Conference "Free of stigma. Culture and Mental Health"


What do mental health and culture have to do with each other? What opportunities does culture offer to people living with a mental disorder?

We know that culture is not only necessary, but essential in our lives. Culture helps us to build a healthy society, respectful and committed to the people who live there.

At the conference we will hear from social work and health professionals working from culture, art and the community. We will have the participation of professionals from creative museums and creators of cultural projects and programs in the hands of Mental Health social organizations.

People who live with mental suffering will also participate and share their experiences, needs and desires in relation to culture. It will be a day full of personal and professional experiences to get to know and understand the Mental Health team, work against stigma and generate new opportunities.


  • Get to know the Mental Health team first hand.
  • Understand why culture is an active agent in Mental Health.
  • Learn from the experience of long-term artistic projects related to Mental Health in Catalonia and Spain.
  • Creating sustainable links between the social and cultural spheres.
  • Facilitate a space for meeting, empathy and action.

Below you can see more information about the Conference.

Watch video of the session

See program of the Conference