Direct booking
How it works
The direct reservation offer is available over the year. This means that you can browse and search for the activity that most interest you whenever you like.
Sometimes, a cultural equipment can ask you to make a by call reservation upon request, so it will be necessary for the equipment to confirm your request and assign your seats.
When seats for a show have run out, you can join the waiting list. The equipment will receive your request and will handle it as soon as possible.
1. Register
Remember you must be registered in the programme before making your bookings.
2. Start your session
Before starting your search, start the session with your access codes. If you forgot them, you may ask for new ones at the section “My account” on your personal pannel or contact us for help.
3. Look for the most suitable show or activity
Use your search engine to find the cultural offers that better adapt your group’s features.
You can search and filter the results by town, cultural centre, type of show or activity, date, time ...
You can even save your searches and use them later on or print them out to discuss them with your team.
Any help to choose the most suitable activity?
4. Get in the activity card
Once you have found the show or activity that interests you most, go into its details to see a complete description, other users’ opinions and information about accessibility, location...
You can also consult a list of all available sessions of the activity and the number of tickets available.
5. Make your reservation
Once you have found your ideal session, click the ‘Book’ button.
A form will open for you to fill in how many people will attend the activity and the group’s mobility features.
Once the form is sent, your application will be registered and you will receive a mail with a summary of your booking and payment.
This is and information mail on your request. Even if the seats you requested are reserved by the equipment, the booking will not be final until you make the payment and upload the proof.
Warning: If the text "on demand" appears on the "book" button, it means that your reservation requires prior confirmation by the cultural centre.
6. Payment and booking confirmation
Once your reservation is accepted, go to the Payments and invoices section of your panel.
The cultural centre will check payment and your reservation will finally be confirmed.
You can see your confirmed bookings in the ‘My tickets’ section of your panel.
Next step is enjoying the experience!
Direct booking

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