C/ de Saridakis, 29


The Foundation Miró Mallorca is a unique place in the world. A cultural centre based on the art studios that artist Joan Miró bequeathed to the public. It offers visitors an insight into his artwork and underlying creative process in the place where he lived and worked for almost 30 years. The Foundation is made up of three remarkable buildings that form one of Mallorca’s most important architectural ensembles: the Sert Studio, Son Boter and the Moneo Building. About 7.000 works make up the Foundation’s collection, including painting, drawing, sculpture, objects and graphic work.

Picture 1 © Rubén García Perdomo; Picture 2 © Rubén García Perdomo; Picture 3 ©Pep Escoda

How to get here


46, 4 i 20 Empresa Municipal de Transports de Palma (EMT)
104 Transport de les Illes Balears (TIB)
Bus turístic Palma City Sightseeing

Transport privat

60 places de pàrquing (Gratuït)
2 places reservades per persones amb mobilitat reduïda
12 places per a bicicletes


  • Adapted lifts
  • Accessible toilets
  • Plazas de aparcamiento adaptadas
  • Places available for wheelchair users
  • Adapted public transport nearby

Apropa equipamient contact

Advisory hours: 
Hivern ( 16-09 / 15-05 ) Dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte de 10 a 18h Diumenge i festius de 10 a 15h Dilluns tancat Estiu ( 16-05 / 15-09 ) Dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte de 10 a 19h Diumenge i festius de 10 a 15h Dilluns tancat Tancat: 25 desembre i 1 gener